Oh! That four-hour conversation!

It was Saturday night when my roommates and I were having one of those “usual” talks.  We were laughing over some “out-of-the-blue” stuff when one of us opened up about an article which had been trending on a social network: “The girl who saw heaven and hell”.

I listened quite intensively and also shared my insights, though I have not read about the topic myself. We were trying to “analyze” the story this girl wrote in a biblical context.  I don’t want this blog to appear like a “story review” of her article, so to cut the long story short, my friends and I had a fruitful discussion: about heaven and hell; repentance;  rapture; and most importantly, Jesus Christ’s death on the cross.

There was an intricate network of thoughts but one clear truth: Jesus is Lord and He came to save the world from sin.

These are a few of the things we talked about (open for your comments):

1)      Heaven and Hell.

Hell is as real as heaven. Both are eternal. The level of joy you would feel with Jesus Christ in heaven is the same level of torment a person would suffer in hell, being apart from Jesus.Many people seem to take it lightly, but whether you believe it or not, nothing will change the fact that after this temporary life, there are two destinations ahead: up above or fires below.

2)      Relativism.

“I think ‘this’ is right but she thinks ‘it’ is wrong, and now everyone is wondering: who is correct?”

Relativism is a philosophical doctrine that all criteria of judgment is relative to the person or circumstance involved. If this is the case, then I would keep on wondering about the basis of every argument presented by anyone. We all agreed about the authority of the Bible, God’s Word, as the only standard of what is right from wrong.  Paul writes in his letter to Timothy:

“All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work”. -1Tim3:16

Whose voice are we listening to for daily instructions? Whose footsteps are we following?  Whose definition of “right” from “wrong” do we believe?

3)      Good works.

We can never work our way to heaven.  Religion?  Nine good deeds over one single lie? Not the solution. None of these things saves. Well, it was a long discussion on this part, but then again, the bottom line is: No one is worthy of God’s love. He loved us and died for us and saved us, not because we have done something good, but because God IS LOVE.

4)      Tetelestai.

This is the word Jesus spoke before His last breath on the Cross. The word means “paid in full”, referring to the payment of debt that we would never wish to pay.

We are sinful by nature, and our sins can only be paid by suffering in the fires of hell. (c.ref: Romans3:26) PRAISE GOD, Jesus Christ died on the cross for our debt. He paid it IN FULL that there is nothing left for us to pay in installment. Is it not a GOOD NEWS?

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”-John3:16

He died and rose again, conquered death to save the world. It’s the LOVE that keeps me in awwwwwee. A love that nothing compares. It’s a TRUTH that will not leave someone unchanged. It’s a story that gave me HOPE.  I am more than amazed.


The bible is more than just a set of rules or instruction which God left for His people. It is a story about His love and what He has done for His chosen people. I had a blessed night—remembering what that story is. For me, this story (about Jesus Christ) is the very core of the Bible among the web of “thoughts ‘ or “interpretations” anyone can raise.

So then, we ended the night with a short prayer and some coffee and cold juice.


How I wish every night is always like last Saturday night: Christ-centered conversations; a seeking attitude towards God;  hearts set on fire for Jesus; desires and dreams to let His Name known; and ofcourse, Coffee Cookie Chillz =)

What do you think?